First and last name:
Serena S.Y. Hsu
Job title:
Primary areas of focus:
Arts/Cultural/Sports eventually would like to cover crisis areas
Operating radius:
100 miles
Primary medium:
Primary area of interest:
Sports & Leisure
News beats:
Evidence & Legal Photography
Fine Arts
Freelance Photography
United States
IAPP membership number:

Expiration date:
Social Networks:
Galerie "Larry J. Leggio and John V. Mesh Citywide Memorial Service"
These series of photos are of the Citywide Memorial Service held at the Sprint Center, October 17, 2015 for the firefighters Larry J. Leggio (Truck 2 - Station 17) and John V. Mesh (Pumper 10 - Station 10). Larry Leggio and John Mesh bravel...
other photo galleries
About me
Originally I was a 3D animator for the architectural firm HOK/Populous and have been in the field for 20 years. After technology made us obsolete, photojournalism filled the-hole-in-my-heart - meeting people from all walks of life, experien...
Legally responsible for content of photo galleries:
First and last name:
Serena S.Y. Hsu
ZIP and city:
66213 / Overland Park
United States