As a freelance journalist, access to exclusive events is an important part of your job. Whether it’s a high-profile conference, a major sporting event or a celebrity gala, being on the ground can help you capture important stories. One of the most effective tools at your disposal is a press pass. In this article, you’ll learn how to use a press pass effectively and the benefits of becoming a member of the International Association of Press Photographers (IAPP).

The power of the press card

The press card is an important identification document for journalists. It serves as official identification and allows access to events that are otherwise not open to the public. For freelance journalists, who often do not have the backing of a large news organization, a certified press card can open doors and give them the legitimacy they need to be taken seriously by event organizers.

Access to exclusive events

1. research and preparation

• Identify events that are relevant to your topic. Whether it’s politics, entertainment, sports or technology, the first step is to know where the newsworthy events are taking place.
• Research the accreditation process for the event. Many events have specific requirements and deadlines for press credentials.

2. build relationships

• Make contacts with PR professionals and event organizers. Building a relationship can sometimes help secure access even if official accreditation is not granted.
• Attend smaller, local events to build your portfolio. These experiences can serve as a stepping stone to larger, more exclusive events.

3. Applying for press access

• Use your IAPP press pass as part of your application. IAPP membership gives you added credibility and professionalism.
• Highlight your previous work and your relevance to the event. Showcase your portfolio and emphasize how your coverage will benefit the event.

The advantages of IAPP membership

Membership of the International Association of Press Photographers brings numerous benefits, especially when it comes to access to events:

1. Certified press card

• The IAPP offers a certified press card that is recognized worldwide. This certification sets you apart from amateur journalists and bloggers and gives you a professional edge.

2. Networking opportunities

• IAPP hosts various events and webinars that provide opportunities to connect with other journalists and industry professionals. Networking can lead to exclusive invitations and insider information about upcoming events.

3. Professional development

• Access to educational resources and industry updates ensures you stay informed about best practices and evolving trends in journalism. You can use this knowledge to improve your press access applications.

4. Support and advocacy

• IAPP is committed to press freedom and the rights of journalists. The support of a reputable organization can be invaluable when negotiating access or overcoming challenges on the ground.

Maximize the use of your press card

1. Professional presentation

• Always carry your press card with you and present it professionally. Dress appropriately for the events you attend because first impressions count.
• Be polite and respectful to event staff and security. They will be more likely to help you if you treat them professionally.

2. Use social media

• Use social media to showcase your event coverage. Tag event organizers and use event-specific hashtags. This can help improve your reputation and increase your chances of getting invitations to future events.
• Share behind-the-scenes content that adds value to your audience and provides unique insights that only a press badge holder can offer.

3. Follow up

• After attending an event, get in touch with the organizers to thank them and tell them about your published work. This gesture can help build long-term relationships and secure future access.


A press pass is more than just a piece of plastic; it’s a gateway to opportunities and stories that change the world. For freelance journalists, using a press card effectively can make the difference between covering a story from the outside or being in the middle of the action. As a member of the International Association of Press Photographers (IAPP), you have access to a certified press pass, a supportive community and numerous professional benefits that can boost your career. Join the IAPP today and realize the potential of your press card.