Become a Member

How Do I Become a Member of the IAPP?

Becoming a member of the IAPP is easy - here you can find an overview of the steps to registering and receiving your own IAPP press pass.

Note: Here you can find the registration page to become an IAPP member.

1. Register with your contact information

During the registration process you provide us with the contact information that we require to issue your press credentials and documents.

For this you will need to provide a passport photo in JPG format. If you do not have a digital photo available at the moment then you can do this at a later date or you can send us the passport photo in the mail.

2. Choose Standard or Professional membership

International Membership

SIM 2025

Incl. Press Pass, Travel Press Card
and Certificate of Accreditation

The price includes a one-time registration fee of $60 as well as the annual fee of $44 for 2025

Now valid until Dec. 31, 2025!

Register now

International Membership

SIM 2025

Incl. Press Pass, Travel Press Card, Certificate of Accreditation, Press Vehicle ID, Letter Confirming Assignment and Reporter ID Card

The price includes a one-time registration fee of $60 as well as the annual fee of $66 for 2025

Now valid until Dec. 31, 2025!

Register now

3. Checkout and secure payment

After choosing your preferred payment method you will see an overview of your order with the invoice number. Click on "Checkout" to proceed. Payment is processed by PayPal Checkout.

PayPal allows payment by direct debit, VISA, Mastercard or American Express card. You can also pay from an existing PayPal account. After your order has been submitted, you will receive a confirmation email with your invoice attached.

4. Receive your press credentials

After your data has been checked and your payment received, we issue and send your personal press card or press documents. Processing time is typically 10-14 days.

As a registered member, you can also log into our member area to receive information about our other membership perks.